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Showing posts from 2019

Laughter is the Best Medicine

We've all heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine in the world". When we laugh, it feels good. But is there an actual healing factor to laughing? Visiting Angels Barrington discusses the possible health benefits laughing can provide for seniors. Visiting Angels reports that according to the Mayo clinic, "laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain. . ." Laughing helps in reducing stress and can possibly enhance the immune system, and even provide pain relief. To read the full article, visit:

Fall Prevention Measures Seniors Should Take

As we age, it’s important for us to understand that falling is something that can devastatingly impact our life. Upon falling, there can be some serious injuries that may leave us never to recover from. As dangerous as a fall can be, luckily there are ways to lower the risk and prevent it from happening. Visiting Angels Barrington provides all the details. To lower the risk of a fall from occurring at home, Visiting Angels suggests: Move objects that are obstructive - bathmats and throw rugs can be especially dangerous, so be mindful. Address slippery, worrisome or broken items in your home. Install proper lighting, especially near staircases. Install handrails - especially near all stairs. Install grab bars in the bathrooms - particularly near the bathtub and the toilet. Taking the necessary precautions around your home is important to ensure that the risk of falling is reduced as much as possible. It may take a lot of time and effort, but when you...

Maintaining Your Independence as You Age

As we age, we take with us all the experience and knowledge we’ve accumulated over time. We take pride when young people look to us for guidance and wisdom. While aging can be empowering, it can also be humble reminder that we are not what we use to be. The more we age, the more we may find ourselves in need of assistance with daily tasks. It can be humbling to ask for help for something that we were once able to do, however it’s better to do so. While many seniors wish to age in place, it’s important to consider your own health and safety. In order to maintain your independence , you’ll need to make a self-assessment to realize what resources you’ll need. Be Honest About Your Limitations We hold a lot of pride in our accomplishments and what we are capable of. Having our independence is what makes us self-sufficient after all. However, as we age and we begin to struggle with daily tasks, we need to admit our limitations and give up on the tasks we would normally be able to do. I...

Eyes Can Be Healthy Too

It is no secret that our bodies are affected by the food that we eat. Although diets are typically associated with bodies, you should know that your eyes can also be impacted by the food that you eat. Within the food that you eat, there are specific nutrients that can help conserve the health of your eyes . Visiting Angels Barrington is senior in-home care center, and they wrote a blog breaking down the nutrients that will help preserve the health of your eyes as you age. Vegetables and Fruits Visiting Angels explains how food that is good for your body also benefits the health of your eyes. A good way to start building a healthy diet is making sure that you are eating your fruits and vegetables. Spinach, sweet potatoes, mangos and carrots provide Vitamin C. Vitamin C impacts your eyes in a positive and healthy way. In fact, you can help prevent some eye diseases by simply by incorporating fruits and veggies into your daily diet. Eggs Though eggs have had a history of bei...

Palliative Care Broken Down

Visiting Angels Barrington provides high-quality in-home care for the elderly. They offer a variety of customized care programs for the seniors they care for. Visiting Angels Barrington makes it a goal to make sure your aging loved one receives great care in the comfort of their own home and palliative care is not excluded from that goal. Palliative care provides a trained staff member to help reduce the stress or symptoms of someone suffering from a serious illness. In some cases, the person suffering from serious illness is getting ready for the end of their life. Palliative Care If your elderly loved one requires palliative care, Visiting Angels Barrington can provide the support you and your loved one will need. Your loved one’s caregiver will focus on their physical, emotional, and mental needs. Psychical needs can range from doing chores, getting dressed, or getting out of bed. On the other hand, emotional and mental needs refer to any depression, anxiety, or stress that ...

How to Keep Your Mind Sharp and Healthy

We all know how important it is for us to take care of ourselves. As we age, this becomes increasingly more important. Incorporating new diets and exercise plans all help to ensure that our bodies have the TLC they need. While it is important for us take care of our bodies, it is equally important for us to take care of minds. Our mind is what keeps us who we are and retains all our precious memories. As we age, we tend to have 'senior moments' in which we forget why we entered a room or where we parked our car at the grocery store. To help protect our brains from this, Visiting Angels Barrington has complied a list of ways to keep your brain sharp and health . Join a Book Club Book clubs let us get together with friends to discuss various topics on our favorite books. When we actively engage in discussions, it can be fun to share your thoughts as well as hear what your friends have to say. Also, the act of reading, alone, is beneficial for our minds. It's been state...

Healthy Sleep for Healthy Aging

We all know how important it is to get ample sleep and how it affects our health overall. Yet, older adults are finding themselves struggling to get enough sleep as they age. According to the National Sleep Foundation , the sleep cycle in older adults repeats itself throughout the night which yields lighter sleep. While the amount of time they spend asleep remains consistent as when they were younger, the quality of sleep suffers a decline. Ultimately, this leads to feeling restless and sometimes frustrated. If you or someone you know has experienced this feeling, Visiting Angels Barrington discusses some insights you can take into consideration. When it comes to how much sleep is needed, there is a misconception that the older we get, the less sleep we need. On the contrary, our need for sleep remains the sleep as we age. What changes, however, is the quality of sleep that we get. Visiting Angels Barrington points out that medications is a primary culprit. They note that older ad...