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Palliative Care Broken Down

Elderly hands holding on to a cane.
Visiting Angels Barrington provides high-quality in-home care for the elderly. They offer a variety of customized care programs for the seniors they care for. Visiting Angels Barrington makes it a goal to make sure your aging loved one receives great care in the comfort of their own home and palliative care is not excluded from that goal. Palliative care provides a trained staff member to help reduce the stress or symptoms of someone suffering from a serious illness. In some cases, the person suffering from serious illness is getting ready for the end of their life.

Palliative Care

If your elderly loved one requires palliative care, Visiting Angels Barrington can provide the support you and your loved one will need. Your loved one’s caregiver will focus on their physical, emotional, and mental needs. Psychical needs can range from doing chores, getting dressed, or getting out of bed. On the other hand, emotional and mental needs refer to any depression, anxiety, or stress that your aging loved one might be feeling. When Visiting Angels caregivers are trained for palliative care, they are instructed to be soothing, comforting, and supportive.

Even though your loved one is the main care recipient, the caregiver will also check up on you. In order to build an efficient and compassionate relationship with your elderly loved one, the caregiver will build a bond with your loved one, you and the rest of your family. The more the caregiver gets to know your loved one, the more they will feel like part of the family; furthermore, they will comfort the loved one’s family if a relationship is slowly built. Visiting Angels palliative care services are amazing enough to positively impact the lives of the elderly and their families.

End of Life Care

On the chance that your aging loved one is preparing to move on to the final stage of their life, Visiting Angels Barrington also provides end of life care. Though hospice care is not offered by Visiting Angels, a caregiver is more than happy to work with and support hospice care providers. The goal for the end of life caregivers is to minimize any discomfort that your loved one might feel. Not only can caregivers help your loved one with personal tasks like hygiene, but they can also help your loved one with stress and other negative emotions.

As for you and your family, the caregiver will once again provide a shoulder to lean on. Family caregivers will receive a helping hand when it comes to meals, chores, and running errands. The emotional state of family caregivers will also be checked on and comfort will be offered when needed. Seeing someone close to you getting ready for the end of their life is not an easy thing to witness or go through. But thanks to Visiting Angels, you and your loved one do not have to do everything alone.

Visiting Angels Barrington wrote a blog discussing Palliative care. Check out their blogs if you are interested in the other in-home senior care topics they have written about. Overall, feel free to contact Visiting Angels Barrington if you have any questions or if you want to learn more about the services they offer.

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