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Summer’s Fruits

Tree leaves turning yellow.
Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash
Now that it is September, the warm months are coming to an end. As summer transitions into autumn, the days get colder and shorter. Visiting Angels Barrington discusses the fruits that you should indulge in during these final summer moments.

Farmers, and people who have gardens, are harvesting a variety of fruits at the moment. Considering the Midwest, what fruit do you think is a great buy towards the end of summer? If you said corn, you are correct. During the end of summer, sweet and delicious corn is easy to buy. There are many ways to cook corn if you are interested in making a meal with it. You would just have to look up some recipes. If you have too much corn, you could always freeze it.

Corn and tomatoes can both be frozen so you can enjoy the taste of summer during the bleak winter. Currently, tomatoes can also be found in abundance. You can make a couple of tomato sauces, salads, and chili with tomatoes. There are also plenty of meals that you can make with tomatoes if you want to look for a recipe.

For more information, you may visit Enjoy Late Summer.

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