We all know how important it is for us to take care of ourselves. As we age, this becomes increasingly more important. Incorporating new diets and exercise plans all help to ensure that our bodies have the TLC they need. While it is important for us take care of our bodies, it is equally important for us to take care of minds. Our mind is what keeps us who we are and retains all our precious memories. As we age, we tend to have 'senior moments' in which we forget why we entered a room or where we parked our car at the grocery store. To help protect our brains from this, Visiting Angels Barrington has complied a list of ways to keep your brain sharp and health . Join a Book Club Book clubs let us get together with friends to discuss various topics on our favorite books. When we actively engage in discussions, it can be fun to share your thoughts as well as hear what your friends have to say. Also, the act of reading, alone, is beneficial for our minds. It's been state...